Defensive driving is a method of operating a vehicle in a way that minimizes the risk of accidents, regardless of the actions of other drivers. The goal of defensive driving is to anticipate and respond to dangerous situations before they occur. Some common defensive driving techniques include:

  1. Scanning the road ahead: Constantly looking ahead and scanning the road for potential hazards, such as merging traffic, pedestrians, or obstacles in the road.
  2. Maintaining a safe following distance: Keeping a safe distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you, so you have enough time to react in case of an emergency.
  3. Avoiding distractions: Eliminating distractions such as using a mobile phone, eating or drinking while driving.
  4. Being aware of other drivers: Paying attention to the actions of other drivers on the road, and anticipating their movements in order to respond accordingly.
  5. Avoiding aggressive driving: Avoiding road rage, speeding and tailgating, and obeying traffic laws and speed limits.
  6. Being prepared for the unexpected: Being prepared for sudden stops, swerves, and other unexpected events that may occur on the road.
  7. Anticipating hazards: Being aware of weather and road conditions, and anticipating how they may affect your driving.
  8. Yielding right of way: Being aware of who has the right of way and yielding when necessary.

It is important to remember that defensive driving is not just a set of techniques, it is a mindset and a way of life that requires constant attention and awareness, regardless of whether you’re behind the wheel of a car or operating a different type of vehicle.
